Sometimes I have to get on my soapbox just for a bit…
In fact if you missed my thoughts on guitar mastery you must watch it. It is a topic that I am extremely passionate about and one that can lead you down a dark road if you aren’t careful.
In this segment I share with you why approaching the guitar with the goal of mastering it is not ideal, in fact it can lead to you putting the guitar away for good.
Rather, focusing on everyday progress and enjoyment is what will lead to you becoming a better player day in and day out.
Make sure to watch the full segment to get the whole scoop.
great concept
This was great….
This was the best???? I look forward to your tips, lessons and videos every time they hit my inbox!
Thank you????
I agree with your saying learning to play guitar is to have fun like to show off in front of friends and say check this out what do you think of this ? Or anything you can think of the list can go on and on. It’s a really good feeling when you finally get it down and say check this out to a friend with a smile on your face no better feeling.
I want the five day challenge
Very useful advice Tony. Thanks!
I would like to learn cords again played as a 12- 15 years old and Like to start again 63 years old
Been playing and performing for over 50 years now. I am using your course to get back after a stroke, and it is helping! Thank you.
Me too, Gordon, I am 73. Never play like I use to but love the guitar. Shimmer shaking in right arm.
Great advice Tony
The guitar is a difficult instrument to master. Without a minimum of discipline like you the road that you trace it is lost in advance. Thank you Tony for all the passion you share with us. Even if I don’t understand everything you say, I love your videos.
I’d like to start the five day challenge
Love it. I wrote this all down. It applies to more than learning guitar as well and I’m into the concept 100%
Nice video, but the link at the end of the video doesn’t work! Arrgh!
I click on “5 day acoustic guitar challenge”, I end up with “We couldn’t find the page you were looking for.” What is the catch?