Any money generated through an affiliate link on will go straight to the Guitars For Vets non-profit organization.
The weekly episode of the Acoustic Tuesday Show with Tony Polecastro features product reviews for things like picks, capos, guitars, stands, etc. In each show, Tony includes Amazon affiliate links so you can purchase the featured items which earns Acoustic Life a small percentage of the purchase price. 100% of this amount is donated to Guitars For Vets.
6 Ways You Can Help Guitars For Vets
- Bookmark and use links on this site to make purchases
- Choose “Guitars For Vets” for your Amazon Smile Program
- Donate money directly to Guitars For Vets
- Donate used guitars directly to Guitars For Vets
- Volunteer to be a G4V instructor in your area
- Volunteer to be a G4V facilitator in your area
Tony Polecastro Becomes an Official Ambassador for Guitars For Vets
In early 2018 Tony Polecastro became an official Guitars for Vets ambassador along side Tommy Emmanuel and other acoustic guitar icons.
I’m honored to bring awareness of G4V to our growing community of 150,000+ acoustic guitar geeks who share the same values as G4V. It’s not about mastering the instrument, it’s about the healing power of music & human connection, constant progress and fun. We’re excited to support G4V through the Acoustic Life Festival, monthly donations via and direct monetary and guitar donations from individuals in our community. – Tony Polecastro
Guitars for Vets has fulfilled over 30,000 lessons and distributed over 3,000 guitar free to military veterans.
Guitars for Vets is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 2007. They currently operate more than 80 chapters in 40 states with the assistance of over 200 volunteers nationwide.
Over the past several years, this organization has refined a guitar instruction program aimed at providing Veterans struggling with physical injuries, PTSD and other emotional distress a unique supportive program.
G4V pursues its mission to share the healing power of music by providing free guitar instruction, a new acoustic guitar and a guitar accessory kit in a structured program run by volunteers, primarily through the Department of Veterans Affairs facilities and community-based medical centers.
Guitars For Vets Links
This is so cool that the Acoustic Life team is willing to give back like this! I, for one, will be looking here for ANY guitar-type purchase I need to make in the future!
GREAT,From a Vet!!!!
I am a disabled veteran from Vietnam era and I play the guitar and sing. I live in Rancho Santa Fe, CA, near San Diego, CA. How can I help, I would love to put a group together and play one evening per week.G
Looking for a link for a shirt to take a pic of my guitars with an address to send it to.. none here??? Can you help??
Man I gotta tell ya, watching this G4V really touched my heart strings.
I’m a US Marine, 100% disabled war veteran. PTSD is no joke and after watching this video and crying from my anxieties, I want in.
This is a group session I can find comfort in.
Where do I enlist?
Love your program and wish I’d found it earlier. I am impressed that you are supporting vets. As a Veteran I help counsel Vets with PTSD like myself.
I like your review of the Andrew White 2002 guitar, as I like to finger pick also and hope I win!
Thanks for all you do, look forward to Tuesday (Afternoon) watching your channel.
Scott ‘Dragon’ Runde
Thank you Tony and everybody who pitched in to make guitars for vets a success. We vets appreciate this more than we can say.
Cisco Butch Ryan, Opportunity, Montana
Thanks for being out there for vets. I am a Nam Vet. A pick up question: I have a Lawrence humbucker in hole pickup from the 70’s that still works great in my acoutic. Is there any problem in turning the pickup around in the hole so the cord goes over the top between the body and my shirt and out of the way or does the cord need to go down the front of the guitar? Any string pick up difference when turned around? Thanks for your thoughts. Tim
Very Interesting
Hi: I’m a disabled Vietnam Vet.I’m from Westover,Pa. I’m on oxygen 24/7,spend 95% of my time in the house.I had a glarry dreadnought cut away and it helped break the boredom until the saddle collasped. I figured it would cost more to fix then the 45 bucks I paid for it and it got burned in the burn barrel.I plan on saving up till I can get a Orangewood Sage Mahogany,love that guitar in the Grand Auditorium style.I’m a slow learner on guitar and I have no idea if there are any AT4Vets chapters within 30 miles of where I luive. I would be interested in enrolling.I do have a problem with large crowds,Ptsd and Agent Orange plus I’m 72 years old. If I can’t be part of the ATT4Vets, at least I praise you for what you do for veterans.