A Tonewood Encyclopedia… is there such a thing? Yes, but not in the way that you may think.
Being a #guitargeek requires a certain quality… let’s call it an insatiable desire for all things acoustic.
I have discovered a site that will have every acoustic #guitargeek in the world’s mouth agape in wonderment. The tonewood data source… yes, ladies and gentlemen this is a real thing and I was so happy to discover it.
Ever wonder how tonewood hardness is measured? Ever been curious about the different terms for describing wood figure? Wondering what specific tonewoods are used for? Which tonewoods can cause respiratory irritation when working with them?
This site has it all. Yes, all of it.
This is a wonderful resource that was put together by a guitar geek and tonewood enthusiast, whose name I cannot find anywhere on the site, but nonetheless, a huge amount of gratitude is being sent their way.
This is like the road map to living an incredible #acousticlife.
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